TalkySoft TalkyMSN
MSN chatting made easier
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Frequently Asked Questions:
bulletGeneral Questions:
  1. What is TalkyMSN?
  2. What are the system requirements for running TalkyMSN?
  3. Is TalkyMSN free?
  4. Why should I register TalkyMSN?
  5. How do I register TalkyMSN?
bulletTalkyMSN Questions:
  1. How do I use TalkyMSN?
  2. I am unable to hear the character's voice. What should I do?
  3. How do I install and use the new characters I download?
  4. Are the characters free to download?
  5. Why can't I hear sounds for the emoticons people send me?
  6. Why does TalkyMSN say that I am not signed in to TalkyMSN when I am?

Got a question that is not listed here?

bulletGeneral Answers:
  1. TalkyMSN is a program that allows your computer to speak to you and read aloud your MSN messages that your friends send you. It's a neat application that can also translate the emoticons your friends send into sound effects. Multiple characters on the screen represent the multiple people that you are chatting with. With the movements and sounds the characters make, your desktop will be brought to life.
    For a complete description, see TalkyMSN's homepage.

  2. TalkyMSN has a few system requirements. Please go to the System Requirements page to find out what they are.

  3. Yes, TalkyMSN is free to try for as long as you would like. You are never required to register it. It will remind you once you login to your Messenger to register it (only once upon login). If you are not ready to register it, simply click the 'No' button and proceed with using it. TalkyMSN will never ever expire. This is our policy to ensure satisfaction. Registration, however, is very cheap and has a lot of benefits. Click here to find out why you should register TalkyMSN.

  4. There are some benefits in registering TalkyMSN. Click here to learn about those benefits.

  5. You can register TalkyMSN using four different methods
    1. Online (secure)
    4. Mail (check).
    Click here to register TalkyMSN using one of the above methods.


TalkyMSN Answers:

  1. Please go to our help section to get more information on how to use TalkyMSN. You should also look at our TalkyMSN manual which is also listed on that page.

  2. Not being able to hear the character's voice is due to a few problems:
    1. You didn't restart your computer after you have installed TalkyMSN. To fix this problem, please try reinstalling TalkyMSN and then restart your computer right away before starting TalkyMSN.
    2. You have chosen a language that is not installed on your system. You should right-mouse-click on the character that doesn't speak, and click on 'Change My Language'. Change the character's language to a language that you know for sure is installed on your machine (English language comes with the setup and should be installed on all machines). To install a new language, go to the languages page and follow the instructions there. If this doesn't solve your problem, please try reinstalling TalkyMSN.

  3. To get a new characters, please go to the characters page and click on the character you would like to download. After it has been downloaded, simply double click on the file you downloaded and it will install your characters in a place where TalkyMSN can find them.
    To use the new character you installed, TalkyMSN will randomly view him/her to represent someone. In that case, you don't have to worry about configuring anything. If you would like to assign certain characters to certain people, all you have to do is add a new entry to your 'Matchup' list. To do that, simply click on 'Show Option' and then click on 'Character Matchup' button.
    Note: You must restart TalkyMSN for the new characters you download to appear in your Matchup gallery.

  4. All the characters that are listed on your characters page are absolutely free to download and use. There will be a section that will include characters that you can buy, but that will be clearly started.

  5. Please see our Emoticons Into Sound help page to learn how to enable TalkyMSN to play sounds for the emoticons people send you.

  6. Please see our Sign In help page to learn more about signing in. This is mostly applicable to Windows XP users.


















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Designed by Eyad Aboulouz. Last modified: 27 May 2005